Pick one card and find your fortune. Maybe you will find it similar to mine
Even as a child, I found myself wanting to know everything. Philosophy and mythology were my favorite subjects. I am a collector of information, and in my methodology, I like to place all my ideas in so they can start to blossom.
With time I understood that this is the part I enjoy most in every project I start, when is the moment to connect dots, analyzing and interpreting data to create a new story.
When I am not learning something, I am creating. It can be a video, or a website, even a collage. I enjoy creating things guided by passion.
Books are always companions of journeys and adventures. These are some of the books that I like to consult to find inspiration in my field
by Sheena Iyengar
by Sophia Amoruso
by Don Norman
by Cinthia L. Baron
by Erika Hall
by Steve Krug
by Alla Kholmatova
by Aarron Walter
by Don Norman
by Beau Lotto